Sabbath Only // Website

In Israel, religious people don’t work on Sabbath (Saturday), and some of them, even close their website on Sabbath in order to force visitors not to use electricity on Sabbath as well.
As a  contradictory, non-religious approach, we did the opposite - a website that only works on Sabbath, and closed on the rest of the week.
And what’s on the website? only a light bulb, you can click to turn on. 

The website on Sabbath

The website on the rest of the week. saying: “Sorry, this website is only open on Sabbath”

The site quickly became viral and we had to transfer it to a new server, that can stand more traffic. 
It was alsp featured on Israeli websites and media platform:
Article on Ha’Aretz (Hebrew)
Article on Srugim (Hebrew)

And I was even interviewed to a major Israeli radio station to talk about the website:
