Chef Ganditsu // Fictional Character

Ganditsu Stephan is quite a story.

It all started at an Israeli bakery that sold vegan cakes and deserts. Or so people thought.
After a few months of hype, people started to suspect that the food wasn’t really vegan as the bakery claimed.
The owner tried to calm people and told then that a famous chef, “Ganditsu Stephan”,  taught him how to bake vegan food.  He even uploaded a photo of him with the so called chef.

the bakery owner’s post, presenting the “chef” photo.

However, then people found out that the man in the photo is not a chef at all. it’s just the owner’s friend.
At this point, it was pretty obvious that the owners lies to everyone.

The I started a new facebook page. A parody page for the chef. The “chef” acted like a real chef and tried to explain the entire situation in funny bizarre explanations. He was also reacted to real events happen in Israel, like Messi visit in Israel.

The page became viral among vegans and some non-vegans, and was mentioned on Israeli TV channel.  
